Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
1. Students and members of the staff should converse only in English both in and out of school campus.
- 2. We stay working from Monday to Saturday, our working hours start from morning 9 am to 5pm
- 3. Students and teaching staff should attend the assembly held at 9.00 am
- 4. The prescribed school uniform is highly mandatory both to the students and members of the staff.
- 5. Maintain strict silence during prayer and dispersal.
- 6. Regularity in attendance and punctuality in arrival is a must.
- 7. Long absence( beyond a week) should be compensated with a medical certificate.
- 8. Students are liable to suspension and termination in case of misconduct, indecency in behavior derogatory
speech and unparliamentary words.
- 9. Causing damage to school property is strictly prohibited and violation levies hefty fine.
- 10. Keep your classroom and premises neat and clean. Discard the waste only in the trashcan.
- 11. Wearing colour dress on school function is strictly prohibited. Wearing gold ornaments to school
is also prohibited.
- 12. Students are expected to promote perfect humility and implicit obedience and any conduct of arrogance
and unruly behavior will be viewed seriously.
- 13. Late submission of assignments and projects are liable to be rejected and disqualified.
- 14. Students are expected to observe perfect discipline and high esteem in and out of school campus.
- 15. Students and members of both teaching and non teaching faculty are expected to be self motivated to have
perfect work focus and promotion.